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Change avatar forum xtgem | Share Code | Wapmaster - 2Hi.Biz
▼ Change avatar forum xtgem
* zaxepreels
- Cấp bậc: mem
There seems to be necessary to edit, src_avatar [16] in the fox to [32] or more, so that the image is not damaged when you use width = "" and height = ""
exp to width="32" height="32" you can edit
{% if show_avatars %}
        {% set avatar_src =
post.author.avatars[32] %}
    {% endif %}

you can view MY FORUM this avatar height and width=32
* Admin
- Cấp bậc: admin
* zaxepreels [16] or [32] is link images of nick name.

it is "array".

if you want zoom images avatar, you del class="ico" of tag <img> and use width="40" or with widh 32.
* Admin
- Cấp bậc: admin
<img src="{{avatar_src}}" width="40" />
- Edited:  tiaxgame )
- Cấp bậc: mem
Hi @Henriwap, your style website is very nice. I like it :D
[32] means image size is 32 px
* zaxepreels
- Cấp bậc: mem
* tiaxgame I was not as smart as you, I just share a little bit, you see avatar on my forum?, avatar does not break when zoomed, if you do not edit src_avatar in my_blocks.twig, if avatar size with the code 32px into the picture is not visible it is clear. Although you do not use class "ico" result is still the same, unless you edit the code in my_block.twig
* zaxepreels
- Cấp bậc: mem
* NTKQB97 thanks, bro :).. yes your edit in my_block.twig in
{% if show_avatars %}
        {% set avatar_src =
post.author.avatars[32] %}
    {% endif %}

though the picture is not damaged
* Admin
- Cấp bậc: admin
* zaxepreels this is my block post_view
{% block post_view %}

{% if post %}
{% set post = post|merge( { 'karma': post.karma_up - post.karma_down } ) %}
{% set karma = post.karma <= settings.karma_treshold %}
{% endif %}

{# Get avatar #}

{% set show_avatars = profile.settings.show_avatars|default('1') %}

{% if show_avatars %}
{% set avatar_src = post.author.avatars[16] %}
{% endif %}

{# Get message #}

{% if post.reply_to %}
{% set msg %}
<a dir="ltr" class="reply_to" href="{{ post.reply_to.link }}"><img src="http://xtgem.com/images/forum/icons/reply.png" class="reply-ico" alt="*" /> {{ post.reply_to.author_name }}</a> {{post.body|raw}}
{% endset %}
{% else %}
{% set msg %}
{% endset %}
{% endif %}

{% if karma %}
{% if not post.main_post %}
{% set msg %}
<span class="karma-notice">This post is hidden due to low score. To view it
href="{{ post.karma_link }}"
title="View hidden post"
onclick="document.getElementById('body_{{ post.id }}').style.display='inline';this.parentNode.style.display='none';return false;"
>click here.</a
<span id="body_{{ post.id }}" style="display: none;">
{% endset %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}

{% if post.karma == 0 %}
{% set karma_value_name = 'neutral' %}
{% elseif post.karma > 0 %}
{% set karma_value_name = 'positive' %}
{% else %}
{% set karma_value_name = 'negative' %}
{% endif %}

{# Post block #}
<div class="postItem{{ post.main_post ? ' marked' : '' }}{{ view == 'thread' ? '' : ' single' }}{% if post.admin_post %} admin_post{% endif %}" id="post_{{ post.id }}">
{# Author and avatar #}
{% if post.author %}
{% if show_avatars %}
<div class="memInfo"><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1"><tr><td width="auto"><img style="background: #ffffff;margin: 0 6px 0 0;padding: 2px;border: 1px solid #ccc;" src="{{avatar_src}}" alt="*" width="40" height="40" /></td><td><b><a href="{{ post.author.link }}">{% set ten=post.author.name %}{% include 'name.js' %}</a></b><br/>- Cấp bậc: <img style="background: #ffffff;margin: 0 6px 0 0;padding: 2px;border: 1px solid #ccc;" src="http://aichat.wap.sh/lv/{% include 'lv.js' %}.gif" alt="{% include 'lv.js' %}"></td></tr></table></div> {% else %}<a href="{{ post.author.link }}" title="view {{ post.author.name }} profile">{{ post.author.name }}</a></span>
{% endif %} {% else %}
<div class="memInfo"><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1"><tr><td width="auto"><img style="background: #ffffff;margin: 0 6px 0 0;padding: 2px;border: 1px solid #ccc;" src="http://toichat.wap.sh/m.png" alt="*" width="40" height="40" /></td><td><b>{{ post.anonymous_name }}</b><br/>- Cấp bậc: Khách</td></tr></table></div>
{% endif %}
<img src="/icon/clock.png"> {% include 'time.js' %}<br />

{% include 'bbcode_link.js' %}
{# Meta information about post #}
<div class="meta">

{% if post.last_update %}
<div class="list1">- Edited: &nbsp;<a href="{{ post.last_update_by.link }}">{{ post.last_update_by.name }}</a> )<br/><img src="/icon/clock.png"> {% include 'cmt/time.js' %}</div>
{% endif %}
{% include 'cmt/like.js' %}
{% if settings.allow_anonymous_posting or profile and not thread.is_closed and not settings.maintenance %}
{# Edit link #}

&middot; <a href="{{ post.reply_link }}">Reply</a>

{% endif %}

</div>{% include 'cmt/attach.js' %}

{% include 'cmt/admin.js' %}

{% endblock %}

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Từ khóa: forum , xtgem , Change , xtgem , avatar