Trang chủ | TWIG | Xtscript | Templates | Xtgem
{% if view == 'entries_list' %} {% block entries_list_tag %} {% if data.tag %}

{{ data.translations.t_showing_tagged_posts }} {{ data.tag }}

{% endif %} {% endblock %}
{% block entries_list %}
{% for entry in data.entries %} {% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
{% block entries_list_footer %} {% if data.back_url %} {% endif %} {{ data.pagination_html|raw }} {% endblock %} {% block entries_list_searchbox %} {% if data.searchbox %} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% elseif view == 'entry' %}
{% block entry_tags %} {% if not data.entry.in_comments_thread %} {% if data.hide_tags == false and data.post.tags %}
{{ data.translations.t_tags }} {% for tag in data.post.tags %} {{ tag.name }}{% if loop.last == false %}, {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block entry_post %}

{{ data.post.title }}

{% if not data.entry.in_comments_thread %} {% if data.post.subtitle %}
{{ data.post.subtitle }}
{% endif %}
{{ data.post.content|raw }}
{% if data.post.feed_data %} {% if data.device == 'mobile' %}
{{ data.post.feed_data.ratings_up }} {% if data.post.feed_data.has_rated %}Unrate{% else %}Rate up{% endif %} {% if data.post.feed_data.has_starred %}Unstar{% else %}Star{% endif %} {% if data.post.feed_data.is_featured %}
This post is featured on XtGem{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% if data.post.feed_data.has_rated %}{{ data.post.feed_data.ratings_up }} {% else %}{{ data.post.feed_data.ratings_up }} {% endif %} {% if data.post.feed_data.has_starred %}Unstar {% else %}Star {% endif %} {% if data.post.feed_data.is_featured %}{% endif %}
{% endif %} {% endif %} {% if data.social_share_enabled %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {{ data.translations.t_back_to_posts }} {% endblock %} {% block entry_comments_list %} {% if data.post.allow_comments %} {% if data.new_comments_system %}
{% if data.entry.in_comments_thread %}
← {{ data.translations.t_show_all_comments }}

{% if data.entry.comments_thread_parent %}
← {{ data.translations.t_see_parent_thread }}
{% endif %} {% endif %} {% if data.entry.comments %} {{ data.translations.t_comments }} {% else %} {{ data.translations.t_comments_empty }} {% endif %} {% macro comments_list (comments, ctx) %} {% for comment in comments %}
[{{ comment.date }}] {% if comment.author_profile %} {{ comment.author_profile.name }} {% else %} {{ comment.nick }} {% endif %}: {% if not ( ctx.data.entry.in_comments_thread and comment.childs and (comment.childs_count > 0) ) %}
{{ ctx.data.translations.t_reply }} {% if ctx.data.is_logged_in and not comment.is_hidden and not data.comments_form.is_maintenance %} {% if ctx.data.reported_spam and ctx.data.reported_spam == comment.id %} {{ctx.data.translations.t_reported}} {% else %} {{ ctx.data.translations.t_report_spam }} {% endif %} {% elseif not ctx.data.is_logged_in and not comment.is_hidden and not data.comments_form.is_maintenance %} {{ ctx.data.translations.t_report_spam }} {% endif %} {% if not comment.childs and (comment.childs_count > 0) %} {{ ctx.data.translations.t_show_replies }} ({{comment.childs_count}}) {% endif %} {% if comment.show_more %} {{ ctx.data.translations.t_show_all_replies }} {% endif %}
{% endif %} {% if comment.is_hidden %}
{{ ctx.data.translations.t_hidden_comment }}
{% else %}
{{ comment.message|raw }}
{% endif %} {% if comment.childs %}
{{ _self.comments_list(comment.childs, ctx) }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %} {% endmacro %} {{ _self.comments_list(data.entry.comments, _context) }}

{{ data.pagination_html|raw }} {% else %}
{{ data.translations.t_comments }} {% for comment in data.entry.comments %}
[{{ comment.date }}] {{ comment.nick }}:
{{ comment.message|raw }}
{% endfor %}

{{ data.pagination_html|raw }} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block entry_comments_form %} {% if data.comments_form.is_maintenance %} {{ data.comments_form.maintenante_markup|raw }} {% elseif data.is_logged_in and data.new_comments_system and not data.community_name %}
{{ data.translations.t_provide_community_name }}
{% if data.entry.in_comments_thread %} {% endif %}

{% else %} {% if data.post.allow_comments %}
{{ data.translations.t_post_a_comment }} {% if data.comments_form.comments_restriction == "logged_in" and not data.is_logged_in %}
{{ data.translations.t_comments_login_required }}: {{ data.translations.t_login }} | {{ data.translations.t_signup }}
{% elseif data.comments_form.comments_restriction == "logged_in" and data.is_logged_in and not data.is_confirmed_email %}
{{ data.translations.t_confirm_email }}
{% else %}
{% if data.entry.in_comments_thread %} {% endif %} {% if data.is_logged_in and data.new_comments_system %}
{% else %} {% if data.comments_form.spam_comments_reserved_name and data.new_comments_system %}
{{ data.translations.t_reserved_name }}
{% endif %} {% if data.comments_form.poster %} {% else %}

{% endif %} {% endif %} {% if data.comments_form.comments_restriction == "email_required" and not data.is_logged_in %}

{% endif %}
{% if data.comments_form.spam_comments %} Please enter the text you can see on the image below:

{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %} {% endif %} {% endblock %}
{% elseif view == 'no_contents' %} {% block no_contents %} {% if data.searchbox.phrase %}
{{ data.translations.t_no_search_results_found }}
{% else %}
{{ data.translations.t_no_entries_found }}
{% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block no_contents_searchbox %} {% if data.searchbox %} {% if data.back_url %} {% endif %} {{ data.pagination_html|raw }} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% elseif view == 'no_entry' %} {% block no_entry %}
No blog entry found
{% endblock %} {% endif %}